Dogs' Incredible Ability to Detect Honesty: Understanding Canine Cognition

Dogs' Incredible Ability to Detect Honesty: Understanding Canine Cognition

Dogs know if you are being true to them

Humans can discriminate between someone deliberately lying to them from somebody who is providing a piece of information that is probably not accurate or false though out of misinformation and approximation. Have you ever been in this situation? For sure you are. And you know that the subtle line between deliberate lying and approximation of information may be crucial for us to assess to which degree we can trust a person. In other words, here we are talking about reliability. Indeed, in the case of somebody entirely lying to you, you may lose trust in that person.

Conversely, in approximate information, one may still tolerate that behaviour and keep some trust in that person. Not only do humans have that ability, but other primates can too. Wait a moment… this means dogs, Canis lupus familiaris, cannot? Well, it turns out that dogs can assess those aspects too; namely, they can discriminate on which side of that line you are heading: fully lying or just approximate information?

And then it comes to the dogs!

Smart Dogs

Dogs are smart. We know that. And we also know they can discriminate and interpret a lot of our human behaviours. Sometimes we live the illusion (illusions often facilitate things, doesn’t it?) that dogs cannot understand certain things. On the contrary, they can usually understand, perceive, interpret way more than we expect. About lying, for example, those who have dogs in their family and those interacting with them daily (professionals) know that they have to be true with the dogs. If you have spent some time with the free-ranging dogs, you know that for sure too, for the free-ranging dogs are way less persuadable than every other pet companion dog, and if you are not true to them, they don’t care about you.

So, dogs can distinguish between a true lie and false information? And wolves can? Well, now science too confirms that “skill” in dogs. An exciting and relevant study highlights that knowledge in dogs and re-confirms them to carry a theory of mind. Although scientists are still questioning whether other non-human animals can detect lying, dogs can mindread your intentions.

Holistic Dog Care

Taking care of our dogs goes beyond meeting their physical needs. A holistic approach to dog care encompasses their mental, emotional, and social well-being. This approach involves regular exercise to keep their bodies healthy, mental stimulation to challenge their minds, and ample opportunities for social interaction with both humans and fellow canines. By addressing all aspects of their well-being, we can help our furry friends thrive and unlock their full cognitive potential. 🌿🌟


Dogs' ability to detect honesty and understand human behavior is a testament to their remarkable cognitive capabilities. Their evolutionary journey from wolves to domesticated companions has shaped their unique bond with humans and enhanced their cognitive prowess. Through scientific research, we have gained valuable insights into their cognitive abilities, demonstrating their capacity to read human cues and anticipate our intentions. As dog parents, it is our responsibility to foster their cognitive development through love, understanding, and holistic care. Let us celebrate the incredible minds of our canine friends and cherish the extraordinary connection we share with them. 🐶💖

For those who still believe humans to be the most developed species on planet heart, sorry guys and gals, time to retrace your beliefs. The fact we cannot demonstrate (yet) for other animals to be able of specific cognitive skills does not mean (at all) they aren’t. Remember: absence of proof is not proof of absence.

Hey there! Here is Marco Adda. Welcome on my blog-post. Here at AEDC - Anthrozoology Education Dogs Canines, you find relevant informations about dogs, wolves, other animals and their interaction (and conflict) with people.

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