Yin Yoga 50 Hours Teacher Training
+ Yoga Alliance Certificate
A transformative journey to yourself!
The Subtle Path of Stillness and Transformation
Yin Yoga is a practice that transcends the conventional boundaries of yoga, inviting you to explore the quieter dimensions of the bodymind. Yoga involves holding passive postures for extended periods of time. This extended duration encourages you to settle into stillness, exploring the depths of your physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts. The longer holds in poses encourage introspection, creating space for mindfulness and meditation to emerge naturally. As you become attuned to your breath, sensations, and the fluctuations of your thoughts, you'll discover the transformative power of cultivating present-moment awareness.
The practice focuses on the body's deeper connective tissues, such as ligaments, tendons, and fascia. It also targets the subtle energy pathways known as meridians, facilitating the flow of vital energy throughout the bodymind. Through this deliberate and mindful approach, Yin Yoga provides time and space for self-inquiry and a profound journey within.
As you immerse yourself in this training, allow the wisdom of Yin Yoga to guide you toward embracing stillness, finding balance, and nurturing the connection between bodymind and spirit.
Self-Discovery and Deepening
In a world characterized by constant movement, noise, and external demands, the practice of Yin Yoga offers a precious opportunity for introspection and restoration. Why choose Yin Yoga? This question can be answered through the profound benefits it bestows upon the bodymind. Yin Yoga serves as a counterbalance to our fast-paced lives, offering a space where we can truly "be" rather than "do."
Physical Well-being: The deliberate and sustained holds in Yin Yoga postures gently stress the body's connective tissues, promoting increased flexibility and joint mobility. The practice stimulates the production of synovial fluid, which nourishes the joints, and encourages the growth of healthy, pliable fascia. These physical benefits are not limited to the mat – they extend into everyday movements, enhancing overall suppleness and ease of motion.
Energetic Balance: Yin Yoga's practice aligns with traditional Chinese medicine's principles, where energy flows along meridians or pathways. By targeting these meridians through specific poses, you can harmonize the energy flow, enhancing overall vitality and well-being. This approach fosters balance on a physical level and on an energetic and emotional plane, leading to a sense of inner equilibrium.
Mindful Awareness: Cultivating mindful awareness can be a challenge in our modern lives. Yin Yoga offers a gateway to mindfulness. The longer holds in poses create a canvas for focused attention – a space where you can observe thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment.
Emotional Release: Stored emotions and tension often reside in the body's deep tissues. Yin Yoga provides an avenue for the release of these emotional blockages. As you breathe through the sensations that arise in poses, you create a safe container for buried emotions to surface, be acknowledged, and ultimately released. This cathartic process contributes to emotional well-being and inner peace.
Cultivating Patience: Yin Yoga is an exercise in patience. The prolonged holds in poses challenge you to remain still and composed, even when uncomfortable. This practice of patience extends beyond the mat, fostering resilience and equanimity in the face of life's uncertainties.
Through Yin Yoga, you'll learn to embrace the power of stillness, allowing you to thrive in both movement and tranquility.
Remember: The "why" behind your practice will continue to evolve and develop. During the practice, you will collect the elements you need. Each of us collects according to her/his history, experiences, needs, and desires. It is a journey of continuous transformation through which you can reshape your feelings, your perception of the world, and, perhaps, your destiny!
Any of this sound familiar?
We are sure you can mirror yourself in some or all of those cases
If so, just know that you’re not alone...
Fatigue, stress, anxiety, and the whirlwind of daily demands affect our well-being.
Like many of us, there are times when I navigate the complexities of modern life while juggling multiple responsibilities and struggles. Fatigue, stress, anxiety, and the whirlwind of daily demands affect my well-being. It happens: when this occurs, you find yourself in a perpetual cycle of busyness and yearning for moments of respite. Sometimes, you just want to disappear and find a time of stillness and a space of silence. I know I am not alone. So you aren't either.
Staying in the practice: the path to resistance and resilience
Reflecting on my personal journey, I trace the contours of moments that have tested my strength and resolve. Life's labyrinthine twists and turns have unveiled a truth: staying true to a consistent practice transcends the realm of mere routine – it becomes a sacred space of stability. It can be a time of stillness and space of silence, too. When we commit to staying in our practice, we cultivate a unique form of resistance – not one of force but of fortitude. This commitment becomes a testament to our inner resilience and determination.
The utmost power of YIN ENERGY
As you embrace Yin Yoga's deliberate postures and immerse yourself in mindfulness, you tap into the essence of Yin energy – a soothing, grounding force that holds the key to deep relaxation and profound inner balance.
If you're a dedicated professional striving to restore equilibrium, a nurturing parent managing the demands of family life, a teacher, an educator, or an individual yearning for solace from the relentless buzz of technology and responsibilities, a Yoga teacher, an individual seeking transformation, Yin Yoga calls out to you.
Ready for the transformation?
Who this is perfect for
I bet this training is for you too!
The Curriculum at a Glance
We'll dive into:
Foundations of Yin Yoga
Yin Anatomy and Energy Flow
Yin Poses and Variations
Yin and Mindfulness
Yin for Emotional Well-being
Yin Interconnectedness
Yin and Floor Work
Yin in Touch
Yin, Gravity, and Weight
Teaching Yin Yoga
Yin in Action
Integrating Yin in Life
Conclusion and Certification
Three Corners of the Triangle: Touch, Weight, and Gravity
In the intricate narrative of Yin Yoga, three essential elements form the corners of a transformative triangle: touch, weight, and gravity. These elements serve as gateways to an enriched understanding of the practice, guiding us toward deeper connections within ourselves and the universe. In our Yin Yoga Training, we intricately weave these elements into the fabric of our practice, empowering you to explore the intricate interplay between touch, weight, and gravity and how they illuminate the path to holistic well-being.
Here’s how it works
The program has three steps:
Note: All three parts have to be entirely completed to receive the Yoga Alliance 50 Hours CE Certificate.
Enroll and attend immediately
Right after enrollment, you have access to the online content.
This section is self-paced.
This section equals
20 CE Hours.
In-person Practice: Full Immersion
Weekend 1
In-person practical session through a full-immersion weekend.
This is an in-person group session.
This section equals
15 CE Hours.
In-person Practice: Full Immersion
Weekend 2
In-person practical session through a full-immersion weekend.
This is an in-person group session.
This section equals
15 CE Hours.
Upcoming Places and Dates
• Trieste, Italy
Immediate access to e-learning platform
Saturday 8 AM - 6 PM Sunday 8 AM - 1 PM
Full Immersion Weekend 2: 16-17 November 2024
Saturday 8 AM - 6 PM Sunday 8 AM - 1 PM
Yin Yoga 50 Hours Teacher Training
+ Yoga Alliance CE Certificate
This is the time! Enroll Now!
Early Birds Offer:
€ 497
Note 1
Early Birds Discount is available if you enrol by a specific date. After that date, the regular cost will be € 597. Hurry up: places are limited.
Note 2
You will just deposit € 197 to reserve your place. Following enrollment, you will receive instructions on how to pay the balance.
Immediate access to e-learning platform + In person workshops:
• October 19-20, 2024
• November 16-17, 2024
Marco Adda
With a profound understanding of the practice's physical and spiritual aspects, Marco brings a wealth of knowledge and a compassionate approach, ensuring that each participant receives expert guidance on their journey of exploration and transformation.
Non credere a noi, credi a loro
"Esperienza travolgente"
Durante questo percorso, ho avuto la possibilità di sperimentare l'estremo ascolto di me stessa scoprendo aspetti del sé che non riuscivano ad emergere ma fondamentali...un processo trasformativo che amplia e amplifica tutti gli strati dell'essere umano . L'amore, l'accettazione e la professionalità hanno valorizzato questa esperienza 🙏 peccato che è già finito.
"High Quality, Competence and a great Humanity."
I really appreciated Marco's great multidisciplinary competence, professionalism, sensitivity and way of leading the group. I have done many training courses and it is not common to find this quality and sensitivity. A big thank you for the welcome, commitment and knowledge transmitted.
"Esperienza rotonda"
In questo corso si ha la possibilità di sperimentare esperienze che riguardano gli aspetti più delicati e spesso dimenticati della nostra esistenza. Si entra in un contatto intimo con la nostra interiorità e con l'altro attraverso esperienze del sentire e del sentirsi. Dopo questo corso è impossibile non migliorare a 360 gradi. La guida di Marco è discreta ma solerte.
"Esperienza travolgente"
Bellissima esperienza ed a Marco il pregio di fare pulsare il gruppo di lavoro.
"Uma experiência excelente"
Foi como uma viagem ao interior, redescobrir-me.. Descobrir que quando olhamos para fora, não conseguimos enxergar o tesouro que somos por dentro 💠 Somos como uma orquestra que funciona em harmonia 🌺 Grata ao Marco por ser um maestro excelente ✨🌻🍀🌟
"Unforgettable Experience"
Teachings of yoga, breathing, meditation, anatomy and much more. I grasped the awareness of living in the present, with calm, serenity, order. A path of growth in yoga and in life thanks to the knowledge and experiences that Marco managed to pass on.
"I Highly reccommend this process "
A truly special experience! A type of yoga that if it resonates within you, you will never abandon. A key to access a profound interiority through the body, its stretching and release of tension. The breath that you direct and with which you merge. A slowness and listening that make you abandon all thoughts. Marco knows how to lead you masterfully step by step... Gratitude!
"Un viaggio magico"
La formazione Yin Yoga con Marco è stata un’esperienza unica. Ci sono state trasferite, in modo egregio, tutte le nozioni necessarie all’insegnamento ma non solo. La formazione è stata un viaggio. Un viaggio che mi ha portato a sentirmi , a vedermi e a custodirmi. Un viaggio che mi ha insegnato la forza della pazienza e la bellezza della lentezza. Un viaggio con i miei colori, quelli veri, senza filtri e senza ritocchi. Yin Yoga è un viaggio bellissimo e ,se lo fai insieme a Marco Adda, ti rimarrà dentro.
Pratica 23 con il sole sulla pelle e il rumore del mare... grazie a tutti, grazie Marco
"Bellissimo. Più che una formazione, un viaggio!"
E' stata una delle esperienze formative più ricche a cui io abbia partecipato finora. Marco unisce, con sapienza, esperienza e straordinaria sensibilità, contenuti teorici, elementi esperienziali e momenti di condivisione, creando così uno Spazio-Tempo in cui anche il più piccolo dettaglio rimane impresso nel Corpomente. Questo corso permette di entrare in contatto con sé e con l'altro in una relazione di ascolto profondo e sincero. Le caratteristiche yin si sentono, si percepiscono, si vivono e quindi facilmente si apprendono. Grazie Marco.
"Percorso Davvero Meraviglioso!"
Imparare a respirare nel movimento è stata una delle piu grandi rivelazioni di questa esperienza. Grazie Marco per la cura con cui ci hai guidati.
Angela Castelli
You never know where the movement brings you. You need to follow the spirit of the practice. Marco is a true inspiration.
George Navalis
It has been a deep and total transformation. Now I feel my breath, my emotions, and I can observe my thoughts within.
Jane Darlington
Del laboratorio condiviso mi resta addosso il piacere di un tempo sospeso e di un'attenzione dedicata all'essere umani. Mi resta il desiderio di trascorrere più tempo a terra, di riconoscere il mio corpo a contatto col suolo.
Francesca Coriani
Il lavoro con Marco mi ha messo in crisi, mi ha rivoltato, mi ha fatto vedere le mie vulnerabilità e finalmente ho cambiato pelle. Sono una persona nuova adesso, più connessa, più aperta. Pronta.
Daria De Biase
My opinion is straight! I learned so much, i changed view on a few cores, and I feel refreshed. Marco is a unique coach with a wide erray of expertises. You are lucky if you meet him on your path!
Josh Gambino
Ne approfitto anch'io per ringraziare in primis Marco che grazie a queste esperienza riesce sempre a muovere e toccare punti inaspettati! Mi porto dietro dopo questo lavoro una sensazione di riposo per la mia mente e il mio corpo, la voglia di far uscire tutto quello che generalmente nascondo e tengo dentro di me. E la voglia di condividerlo con gli altri.
Cecilia Turco
Se dovessi riassumere in due parole lo stage di Marco direi: semplicità ed efficacia. In più parole posso dire che ha saputo creare una buona atmosfera di condivisione e di tranquilla operosità.
Davide Amodio
Qualcosa è successo, si è mosso, anche noi ci siamo mossi, si acquisisce consapevolezza e presenza si diventa più propensi a dare che a trattenere si condivide con apertura e questo come abbiamo potuto vedere semplicemente eseguendo esercizi che il corpo non è più abituato a compiere e quindi il solo attivare delle posture, estendere ecc. ci regalano benessere e questo perché qualcuno che ci guida sa.
Umberto Giorgione
There’s zero risk for you with our 100% money-back guarantee
Limited to 7 Days after deposit.
Frequently asked questions
Yes, this training is accredited with the Yoga Alliance, and upon completion, you can apply for 50 Hours of Continuing Education with the Yoga Alliance.
Yes, we can give you some tips on how to redeem your 50 Hours CE with the Yoga Alliance
As soon as you enroll, you will have access to the online part of the program, which equals 20 hours of training. We suggest completing this part before the first in-person weekend. Alternatively, you can complete the online content before the second in-person weekend. The course is fully completed at the end of the second In-person weekend.
Yes, this course does not require any previous Yoga education. All you need is a genuine interest in yoga. This course is fully accessible to expert practitioners and complete beginners.
Absolutely yes. This program is integrative in nature, and we embrace diversity, including physical limitations, injuries, and other issues. If you need to discuss specific needs, please contact us using the contact form at the bottom of the page.
The program costs € 497 for Early Bird enrollment. After that, the regular cost will be € 597. When enrolling, you will deposit € 197 and have access to the online portal and its contents. The online platform will provide instructions on how to pay the balance online or in person.
You need to cover your own costs for food during the two weekends, and travel and accommodation if you come from abroad. We do not cover those costs. That is your duty. However, we can help you find a place to stay and can suggest where to eat during the full immersion weekends.
Please see above on this page at the section Upcoming Places and Dates.
The specific working spaces will be communicated via the online platform after you enroll in the program.
We guarantee access to the platform for 6 months from the moment of access. In this way you will have both the opportunity to start studying immediately - and thus prepare for the two weekends in person - and to continue following the practices (even those published later) after the end of your training. In any case, (except for contract changes and technical difficulties with our host) we will try to extend the time as much as possible and grant you access to the platform even after 6 months, in order to accompany you further along your journey.
How To Contact Us
Ready for results? Apply Now!